Every one of the seven nations in Seyveil have a large organizations appointed by their god to uphold their laws and order. In order to join these organizations you must be a citizen of the nation and meet their requirements for joining.
Your character is welcome to be a part of any of these organizations. Titles such as Grandmasters and other higher positions must be earned through rp. Every organization has captains, knights, alchemists, and other non-combat roles like maids, librarians, etc.
If you have a question about any of the positions or organizations please send a message to the discord or note the DA group.
All characters in the group will also be a part of the Tachisaru due to story purposes once plot begins.
the council of
The council of Vesta is the knighthood that governs and protects the nations. To be inducted into their group you must be appointed by the god Mialdin or by the Grandmaster, Herold. ​
Positions in the council run from simple palads and errand runners, those who administer gliding tests, knights, and all the way up to holding the honor of guarding over Mialdin's statue out in the plains.
They have no set uniform but all council members are expected to present themselves well.
the chaohr
The Chaohr are sort of like Burmese mountain dog on skii slopes. During the summer time the desert becomes far too hot for even some of the most seasoned travelers to handle. First established as a search and rescue group, the Chaohr are pros when it comes to staying cool and traversing though the sands. Over time their contributions to society have garnered them much respect and have expanded to governing and protecting the nation as well.​
To become a part of the Chaohr you must take part in a series of trials meant to test your skills and ability to preform tasks commonly asked of the Chaohr such as search and rescue, finding water, and combat.
There is no set uniform for the Chaor.
the kline of
The Kline are a strict force known for their harsh rules and punishment. The Kline are a force who follow their gods orders.
To become a member of the Kline you must called upon by the god Zezais or a general and pass rigorous tests near perfectly. Failure to do so will bar you from ever joining.
Once you are a member of the Kline it is very difficult to leave. Doing so may have you exiled from Krikar or imprisoned for treason. Though, members do receive more leeway when traveling out of the nation.
All members of the Kline dress in all black, gold, and purples when on duty.
When designing please keep in mind this is a fantasy setting so try and mix a bit of it if you are going for a more military look. Arm bands are not to be worn.
The unity conclave
The Unity Conclave is a collection of the most upstanding members of Sentis' society. From poets to alchemists to warriors they are the most respected in the nation. They are often called upon by the people to help fix their issues as well as protect and govern.
To become a part of the Conclave you must be noticed by one of the headmasters of the field your interested in. Such as the Headmaster of Knighthood for warriors. They'll come to you and ask if you're interested in joining. All higher up positions are voted on yearly descending from headmaster, advisor, and captains. The three often work closely together in the fields. Those being, knighthood, alchemy and science, crafting and blacksmithing, and the arts which include cooking and sewing.
There are no uniforms for the Conclave.
The nova
The Nova operate much like the Council of Vesta. Most people brought into the Nova are knights and protect the city from wildlife and sea monsters. They have a special unit however called the Nova Ceriths. The Ceriths are a sub-section of the Nova tasked with patrolling and protecting the seas. They are all lookouts for adequate weather for sailing to the mainland and help save ships that get tossed into rocky water as well as keep lookout for sea monster getting too close to the shore. They are more able to come and go from the island of Leles to the mainland due to their experience in traveling in troublesome water.
There are seven leaders of the Nova, each possessing a different vison and are in charge are promoting and enforcing one of the seven values. They are all hand picked by the god Evmera and often serve hundreds of years on the council until they wish to retire or pass on.
The Nova leaders all wear all white always, but lower members are free to wear what they wish. The Ceriths wear a shell of their choosing somewhere on their person.
The knights of
The knights of Prisdian are exactly what they sound like (and are pretty similar to the Knights of Favionious). They are led by their grandmaster and have several tiers. Cavalry captains, chief alchemists, investigation captains, and coordinators.
To become a knight you must pass a knighthood test which questions your ability to fight, protect, and your knowledge of the land. Grandmasters are appointed by the god Shikare.
There are no uniforms for the knights though most choose to wear the snowflake emblem on their body.
The Avtis are a long standing organization most well known for their creation of Solar Crystals ages ago. They are large enough crystals with enough power to replicate sunlight far below the surface of the earth. Since then, they have put a lot of effort into making further scientific discoveries.
They are led by their Chief, Hersha, who headed the research for the Solar Crystals. However, due to an accident she was left blinded by the light and all members of the Avtis now wear masks that cover their eyes with a thin mesh out of respect.
To join you must not only be physically fit but also mentally.
Other then the masks, there are no other uniform requirements.
The avtis of